Labelling for mailboxes
and mailbox systems

The name of the family. The street and the house number. Or the company name and the most important product. Or something completely different. Labelling is what gives a letterbox its personal touch and makes it individual. And of course we at KNOBLOCH have a large selection that perfectly matches the look and quality of your letterbox.
Straight to the topic

Name tags for mailboxes

Here you will find information and name plates for doorbell panels, letter and parcel boxes, against too much advertising waste and so on. In many variants with a wide variety of sizes, shapes, materials and fonts. We are happy to answer your enquiries.


Additional name tag

A second nameplate with ‘Advertising’ sign insert is available as an option. The label insert is labelled ‘Advertising yes please’ or ‘Advertising no thanks’ on the front and back.

The second nameplate is positioned in the centre of the insertion flap. This prevents uneven stickers from being attached.

Engraving and labelling