Dear friends,
It’s another exciting year, which is slowly drawing to a close.
We are entering the fourth quarter and in just under three months it will be Christmas. Of course, it is still too early to draw a conclusion, but the Corona pandemic, the flood disaster, especially in the west of our republic, and most recently the Bundestag elections have had a really emphatic and highly varied impact on the year so far.
In the business world, in addition to the desire for a hopefully speedy formation of a government (we need plannability and security!), there is one central issue: material crunch and material costs.
In a sense, all companies are suffering from Long-Covid. So not only is the pandemic itself unique in recent history, so are the consequences. And what makes it so difficult here as well as there-it’s not really clear where the journey is going. In the materials area, in addition to a daily struggle for material availability, we are experiencing a cost explosion across all materials. And the next driver, rapidly rising energy prices, is already waiting in the wings.
It is extremely difficult to plan and that is never good for a positive economic development. To invest, you need certainty and a wait-and-see economy is not good for the national economy and thus our country. But being an optimist means it will work out. 😊
No, seriously- of course this is whining on a high level and such situations show again and again how centrally important flexibility and agility is.
So let’s look positively optimistic at our main season for mailboxes and mailbox systems. As the third in the group, the parcel box must not be missing in the meantime. More and more housing companies, but also private individuals, are using them to find a professional solution for receiving parcels.
That’s exciting and gratifying.
And in the same way we start with you into a hopefully golden October. Have fun, stay healthy and don’t let it get you down!
Your Thomas Kolbe
(Managing Director)