

Mailbox systems at high speed

Fast, faster, express box Anyone who needs a new mailbox system is spoiled for choice. You can choose from many components to put together your own system. But sometimes time is of the essence … The Knobloch Express Box offers the perfect solution for these cases. The range includes surface and flush-mounted systems, wall throw-through, door side panels and free-standing letterbox systems in selected box sizes with suitable cladding and exemptions. Up to twelve boxes can be put together in one system. In addition, an installation box with perforated speech screen and push-through-proof anti-vandalism bell button can be integrated. The complete door intercom system is included in the optional “all-round carefree” package.

The Express-Box is available in 20 standard colors and in stainless steel. The Express Box catalog offers everything at a glance! The simple and clear presentation makes ordering the right system extremely straightforward. Each system is assigned its own order number with a clear price. Everything without previous configuration. This simple ordering system allows an order to leave the factory as early as 10 working days after the technical and commercial order clarity.

The letterbox systems from Knobloch meet the highest quality standards and are manufactured in accordance with the European standard for letterboxes DIN EN 13724. The processing of high-quality materials guarantees a long service life, as well as reliability and safety in use. The Knobloch sales team offers expert advice on this topic.

More information at www.max-knobloch.com .

Max Knobloch Nachf. GmbH was founded in 1869 and is known in the mailbox market under the brand name Knobloch. This makes Knobloch the oldest still producing mailbox manufacturer in Germany and the only full-range supplier in the area of ​​mailboxes and letterbox systems. With 120 employees, Knobloch manufactures products for the entrance area and scores with quality from Germany, Saxony.


Jana Wagner, Marketing – PR employee
Tel .: +49 (0) 34 31 – 60 64 229
Fax: +49 (0) 34 31 – 60 64 209
Email: jana.wagner@max-knobloch.com

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