Dear friends,

Who would have thought that we would experience such an event as the war in Ukraine on our doorstep? Rationally unimaginable, but it happened nonetheless. And once again, as in the case of the Corona pandemic, we can see the gaps in developments here in Germany. This shakes the foundations of our society and our economy, of which we were actually so proud. In part, certainly unjustly. We are too slow, too sluggish and too fed up. We are dependent on raw materials and supplies from countries over which we ultimately have no control, and we have to watch helplessly as our country hangs on. We have to learn speed and flexibility in order to have a solid foundation again.

The current situation is one of uncertainty and helplessness, especially in the energy question, but also in many other resources that are not directly available to us. What comes after Russia? China?

However, in the eye of the catastrophe other things are more important. The humanitarian situation and the great danger in which the people of Ukraine find themselves is depressing. Surely everyone can make a contribution to help here or on the ground.

In view of such events and also the uncertainties associated with them, it is difficult to talk about mailboxes. The fact that now the actual construction season is starting so slowly and the market itself is looking for its rhythm and hopefully will find it again, plays a somewhat subordinate role this year.

In spite of everything, stay optimistic and help to make the world a little better this spring.

We wish you a happy, successful and healthy April 2022.


Yours, Thomas Kolbe
(Managing Director)